Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Zürich: The Last Stop

I had a few hours to explore Zürich before catching my flight home. It was way too expensive, but very beautiful.


Inside Hauptbahnhof

Yeah, everything is way too expensive.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Football Game - Freiburg vs. Bilbao

Rachel and Marc-Antoine visited me for a day in Freiburg and a trip to the preseason football match against Bilbao. It was great to be able to experience a football game in Freiburg before I left. I was impressed with the standing section, which was very loud with all types of cool chants. Hallo Südtribüne! Unfortunately, there were no goals in the game.

It's real grass!

SC Freiburg is in red.


Lots of bikes

Relaxing way to end the hottest day of the summer.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Last Day of Work

It was sad to have to say good-bye to everyone that I had became friends with at the lab. I wanted to go to the furniture store for the last lunch on Friday - it was good as usual.

My gift to Manuel. It made for a good last hour or two of work :)

See how many people ride bikes to work!

Where you can take bottles to get your pfand (deposit) back!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Last Picnic and the Euro

Carbonated 1,5l apfelsaft

My Pink Pony in the sunset. How I will miss you.

Hey buddy!

Missing the 5 cent coin